Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions in Music Videos

In this post I will explore and define Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions and their use within music videos.

Both technical codes and symbolic conventions allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre of music videos, provides a reliable structure of music videos.

The use of the camera within music videos, and any moving image, has a significant impact on how meaning is conveyed. The angle, distance and movement of camera shots plays a vital part within production of music videos. In terms of movement, the camera may follow characters in a narrative video, or in a dance sequence video the camera may follow the movement of the dancers. Close ups are a technical code frequently used in music videos, to create a sense of intimacy between viewer and artist.This is predominantly used in line with the artist lip-synching, and camerawork is often used to create a flattering depiction of the artist lip-synching the song.

The most common editing feature associated with music videos is a quick-cut montage editing, useful in narrative and performance videos. In music videos that use slower editing and transitions, this ediiting technique is used intentionally to create a certain mood/atmosphere. Digital effects in editing are used to enhance the original moving images, in the form of split screens, colourisation, slow motion and CGI. The colourisation of music videos refers to black and white or sepia effects to represent a shift in time period/flashback.

Obviously music videos are centered around the non-diegetic sound/music used, but in narrative or mixed narrative and performance style music videos, diegetic sound can also be used when there are breaks in the music and dialogue between characters commences, improving audience understanding of the narrative.

Symbolic Conventions
Certain iconography is associated with a particular genre or artist; when used frequently, this helps audience recognition. Star image is also used to engage audeinces, and in it's own right is a symolic convention;

"Characterisation, fiction, and perhaps even narrative itself exist in popular music in the point of narration, outside of the diegesis of individual songs, live performances or video clips, through the persona of a star." -Andrew Goodwin

Clothing, makeup, lighting, and mise-en-scene all play a part in the symbolic nature of music videos and illuding to something for the benefit of the audience's understanding of theme or narrative. While colourisation is an editing technique, it is often used for symbolic purposes, to create mood and atmosphere, or, for example, colourful/rainbow coloured lighting can be used in music videos of an LGBT theme or narrative.


  1. Another good post but needs visual representations. Add images , gifs, videos to illustrate your work.


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