Filming Day Four

Filming Log - Day Four

Locations -
Hannah's House

Date - 18th || January || 2018

 In this filming session, we needed to film in the location of Hannah's house, as we wanted to film shots of Hannah seeming distressed and confused. We got a shot of Hannah drinking alcohol sat on her bed alone, looking melancholy and upset. We were inspired by some of the mirror shots we observed in our research and analysis of the "Miss Jackson" music video by Panic! At The Disco, and wanted to recreate that in our video to symbolise self-conflict and despair, however, during filming the mirror we were using got broken, so we had to come together as a group and discuss what to do from there. After playing around with camerawork, we decided that the broken mirror may actually play well into the narrative and be symbolic of the protagonists broken character, and possibly suggest narrative enigmas that the mirror got broken possibly in the context of the unhappy relationship that we observe in the first half of the music video between Hannah and Josh. It also added a sense of dimension to the shots we filmed and was a focal point to grab viewers attention. Another issue we faced during this fiming session was obtaining the desired lighting. This session made it clear to us how difficult it is to create a media product and create a particular kind of lighting when you have no access to professional filming equipment and artificial lighting equipment. The shot we were trying to get was a high angle or birds eye shot of Hannah and I laying down talking, but as our filming time was during the winter months and we had restricted availability as a group, the natural lighting was dark and the shots had minimal visibility and low quality. We tried to use the artificial torch lighting from our iphones but this made the shots look even worse and created a shadow on our faces of Jasmine, who was filming above us. Eventually we had to abandon that shot idea and simply try a different angle; we layed on our fronts and had the shot taken from in front of our faces, which is one of the shots we did actually end up featuring in the final product.


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