Goodwin's Theory

In this post I explore Andrew Goodwin's media theory

Goodwin's theory suggests that there are 5 key aspects to a music video;
- Thought through beat
- Relationship between song and visuals
- Narrative and performance of the song 
- Technical
- Star Image

Thought Through Beat
This consists of analysing music structure and understanding chorus and verses, recognising the artists voice as unique, and understanding the story that is being told, and the music video is a visual aid to help amplify this story.

Relationship between song and visuals
Concept of Illistration
The concept of illistration is the simplest of the three concepts. It concerns visually presenting the lyrics, taking the song literally and creating it visually. Often the artist(s) can also be seen singing and/or performing the song, also the lyrics may be presented on screen. Example:

Concept of amplification
The concept of amplification concerns how the creative director interperates the song's lyrics. Typically both narrative and performance conventions are used. The visuals in the music video are used to amplify the narrative. The artist(s) may also be seen taking on fictional roles. Example:

Concept of disjuncture
Differently to the concepts of amplification and illistration, the concept of disjuncture deliberatley disregards the lyrics and song genre, rather than seek out ways to visually present the lyrics. They often make little sense and include abstract imagery. Example:

Narrative and Performance of song
Goodwin felt that it was important for the artist to be involved in the video in some way, whether that be as a character in the narrative or performing as themselves; he believed that this helped the audience better connect to the music.  Example: Roar

Star Image
Goodwin felt that star image was an integral aspect of music video production, as it adds to the appeal of the music video and promotes a public image for the artist.

Goodwin felt that the technical aspects of a music video brought the whole product together; this includes lighting, colour, mise-en-scene and editing.


  1. A good summary of Goodwin's theory. The examples you have used should really be embedded though.


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