Choosing Our Song

We narowed down our potential song choices to three, and as a group discussed why each one was an option, and came to a final decision. Through choosing our song, narrative ideas began to flow between the group and we've started to piece together a plot and shot ideas.

1. Somebody Else - The 1975
We considered this song for multiple reasons. Firstly, we were sure we wanted our song choice to be in the alternative genre of music. As a group we are all fans of the artist and the existing music video for this song takes advantage of lighting and editing techniques to convey narrative and emotion in a similar way to what we want to achieve in our music video. The lyrics of the song itself convey a narrative containing themes of relationships, mental health and emotional conflict. However, the reason we chose to select a different song is that the lyrics convey a strict narrative and plot that doesn't have much room to be altered, and we felt that we wouldn't have as much oppurtunity to be creative with our shots and narrative.

2. Anything - Catfish and the Bottlemen
The lyrics of this song also convey themes of relationships and emotional conflict, and the song is of the alternative genre, however the chorus is very fast and upbeat, which would make it difficult for us to creative a music video around that wasn't live performance of the song, which was not the route that we wanted to go down.

3. W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighbourhood
After exploring existing music videos by The Neighbourhood, we realised that the aesthetic and themes shown in their music videos are very similar to what we are aiming for. When we analysed the lyrics of this song we saw that while themes of self-conflict and an emotional battle with self-acceptance are clear, the lyrics gave room for creativity and we are able to create our own narrative and are given more creative freedom. This is why we decided to choose this song for our music video.


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