The music video for "If They Only Knew" by Alfie Arcuri is themed around LGBT awareness and an individual discovering their sexuality and identity. The theme of friendship is also prevelent throughout the video and that is something we wish to incorperate in our music video. For these reasons, this music video inspires me and my group, so i'm going to analyse it to gain ideas. Mise-en-scene Throughout the video, the dark and alternative clothing that the characters wear creates the aesthetic that we want for our video, in order to appeal to our target audience of young people. This clothing style is also common with the demographic of people who listen to the alternative style of music. Throughout the video we also see the friendship group smoking and drinking, a common theme in terms of alternative music videos. I was particularly interested in the theme of a love triangle within a friendhship group as a narrative. Camera In terms of camera, we see an establishing...
In this post I will explore and define Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions and their use within music videos. Both technical codes and symbolic conventions allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre of music videos, provides a reliable structure of music videos. Camerawork The use of the camera within music videos, and any moving image, has a significant impact on how meaning is conveyed. The angle, distance and movement of camera shots plays a vital part within production of music videos. In terms of movement, the camera may follow characters in a narrative video, or in a dance sequence video the camera may follow the movement of the dancers. Close ups are a technical code frequently used in music videos, to create a sense of intimacy between viewer and artist.This is predominantly used in line with the artist lip-synching, and camerawork is often used to create a flattering depiction of the artist lip-synching the song. Editing The most common editing ...
What have you learnt from your audience feedback? We held a media showcase evening at our sixth form college to showcase our hard work in both the music video and anxillary tasks, but to also ask some important questions and recieve some feedback on the piece. We filmed responses to our questions, edited and compiled them into one video which we then uploaded to Youtube on the same channel as all of our content is uploaded; the music video itself, the draft edits and this feedback short.
You need to justify your choices for the cast as well and breaking down their characters giving a brief overview.