Filming Day One

Filming Log - Day One
Location - Bridgend Town Centre
Date - 13 || November || 2017

After analysing music videos in the alternative music genre, we were inspired to begin filming in a unkempt, urban area. We had ideas of particular locations in which we wanted to film, including a run-down staircase in which we could film a birds eye of high angle shot, similar to that featured in The Neighbourhood's video for Sweater Weather. 
                                                                                 In this shot, the natural sunlight surrounding Hannah disconnects her from the rest of the shot, which enbodies a dark background. This symbolises her isolation and disconnect from her emotions. The use of natural lighting in symbolic conventions is a common theme in alternative music videos and something we would like to feature throughout the entire video.

These two-shots in an urban, unsightly setting are used to establish the relationship between the characters. The over the shoulder shot again uses natural lighting toisolate Hannah from Jade, and is symbolic of distance and seperation between the characters. Both characters are wearing dark, somber clothing, running in line with common clothing conventions in alternative music videos.

In the final two-shot, we highlighted Hannah's idolisation of my character, and demonstrated how my character is a bad influence on Hannah; incorporating another mise-en-scene convention commonly scene in alternative music videos, smoking. The clouded and overcast imagery and atmosphere of these shots is reflective of Hannahs feelings.


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