Filming Day Five

Filming Log - Day Five

Locations - Pencoed Comprehensive School
                  Car Park

Date - 2nd || February || 2018

 This filming session was impromptu as we were in a media lesson editing on Jasmine's laptop when we realised that we had some slots that needed to be filled in the video, and we had storyboarded shots of Hannah and myself in a car laughing and talking to contrast with the shots of her and Josh looking unhappy when together. Our tutor allowed us to use her car and we had natural lighting in this filming session; however this became a problem. As it was a sunny day and the sun was quite low, it was difficult to get shots that didn't have a really  bad reflection on the windscreen of the car. In order to get close enough to the windscreen to see mine and Hannahs expressions, and again as a result of our lack of professional equipment, Jasmine literally had to lay on the bonnet of the car. However, we did end up getting some decent shots that we featured in the final product.


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