In this post I will explore and define Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions and their use within music videos. Both technical codes and symbolic conventions allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre of music videos, provides a reliable structure of music videos. Camerawork The use of the camera within music videos, and any moving image, has a significant impact on how meaning is conveyed. The angle, distance and movement of camera shots plays a vital part within production of music videos. In terms of movement, the camera may follow characters in a narrative video, or in a dance sequence video the camera may follow the movement of the dancers. Close ups are a technical code frequently used in music videos, to create a sense of intimacy between viewer and artist.This is predominantly used in line with the artist lip-synching, and camerawork is often used to create a flattering depiction of the artist lip-synching the song. Editing The most common editing ...
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