
Showing posts from December, 2017

Filming Day One

Filming Log - Day One Location - Bridgend Town Centre Date - 13 || November || 2017 After analysing music videos in the alternative music genre, we were inspired to begin filming in a unkempt, urban area. We had ideas of particular locations in which we wanted to film, including a run-down staircase in which we could film a birds eye of high angle shot, similar to that featured in The Neighbourhood's video for Sweater Weather.                                                                                   In this shot, the natural sunlight surrounding Hannah disconnects her from the rest of the shot, which enbodies a dark background. This symbolises her isolation and disconnect from her emotions. The use of natural lighting in symbolic conventions is a common theme in alternative music videos and something we would like to feature throughout the entire video. These two-shots in an urban, unsightly setting are used to establish the relationship between the cha


      In this post I have collected a selection of images and created a moodboard to inspire the aesthetics and imagery of our video


In this post I analyse and discuss the results of a survey carried out to obtain information on what to include in our music video. The questions I asked were as follows: 1. On what platform do you watch music videos? 2. How old are you? 3. What music video genre do you prefer? 4. How often do you watch music videos? 5. What is your preferred genre of music? 6. What is your gender? 7. Which of the following do you feel is the most important in a music video? 8. Are you more likely to purchase a song or album if the music video is good? In relation to question 1,  28% of responses voted for mobile devices, 57% voted for TV and 14% voted for PC. For question 2, 71% were between age 16-20, and 28% were between ages 11-15. The answers to question three showed that 57% of voters prefer narrative music videos, 14% preferred performance and 28% preferred concept music videos.We asked voters how often they watched music videos, 57% voted weekly, 28% voted monthly and 14% v

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather Analysis

In this post I analyse the music video for 'Sweater Weather' by The Neighbourhood In terms of editing, in this music video I was particularly drawn to the titles used. The video opens with a white background with 'The Neighbourhood' written in black text. This sets up the use of colour throughout the video, as many shots are edited to be black and white, possibly to insinuate flashbacks/changes in timeline. Parrallel to this, the title of the song is written in white on a black background.  The majority of transitions used throughout the video are either fade effects; alternatively quick cut editing is used to create a montage of shots. Many shots blur into focus, supporting the surreal, dream-like feel of the video. Shot-reverse-shot is used to show the relationships between characters. Later on in the video, shots are flipped upside down and layered, further emphasising the hypnagognic mood created in the video.   The camerawork used in the video uses an e

Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions in Music Videos

In this post I will explore and define Technical Codes and Symbolic Conventions and their use within music videos. Both technical codes and symbolic conventions allow the audience to become familiar with a particular genre of music videos, provides a reliable structure of music videos. Camerawork The use of the camera within music videos, and any moving image, has a significant impact on how meaning is conveyed. The angle, distance and movement of camera shots plays a vital part within production of music videos. In terms of movement, the camera may follow characters in a narrative video, or in a dance sequence video the camera may follow the movement of the dancers. Close ups are a technical code frequently used in music videos, to create a sense of intimacy between viewer and artist.This is predominantly used in line with the artist lip-synching, and camerawork is often used to create a flattering depiction of the artist lip-synching the song. Editing The most common editing